
Do art & crafts impact child development?

Do art & crafts impact child development?

               Kids who engage in the arts have several advantages, such as problem-solving ability to solve problems, creativity, reading, fine and gross motor skills, connection, and comprehension. While most agree that creativity and art are essential elements of a child's curriculum, often, many parents are guilty of putting them on the back burner. It is time that parents realize that this approach could actually impact the child's development negatively.   Let's look at the role that art plays in overall child development.    Why is art beneficial? According to educators, art may be helpful in...

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Can Art be the key to unlocking learning in adults? 

Can Art be the key to unlocking learning in adults? 

        Don't go on a guilt trip if you need some alone time. According to studies, adults who indulge in artistic endeavours have a lower chance of cognitive decline. It's okay to pull back from duties, especially in today's world, where adults can quickly feel overwhelmed. Prioritizing your mental health is necessary because a good mental state is a lot more efficient at handling work & family chores.       As adults, many activities are available to engage in to unwind and calm one's mind, for instance, taking a lovely walk outside, reading a book, practicing yoga, meditating, etc....

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